How to do Twitter marketing

Hello, Friends If you want to do online marketing then this post is For you. Throughout the post, Twitter is all about online marketing and growing followers. So read the whole post carefully. How to do Twitter marketing?

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a short message communicator or we can call it a social networking site or we can call it a microblogging site. Where we can use 140-character words. Twitter is a social media like Facebook. 

We can post here just like we post on Facebook. A post on Facebook is called a status, and a post on Twitter is called a tweet. On Facebook, we can use words as we wish but on Twitter, we cannot use more than 140 character words.

Currently, 240 words can be used on Twitter. But you have to make the thread. To create a thread you must tweet and go to the option and click “+” next to Twitter.

There are 23 character words allocated for sharing Twitter links. No matter how big the link is, it is counted as 23 characters. For this reason, Twitter is also called a microblogging site.

Create a Twitter account

You must have a Twitter account to do cricket marketing. To create a Twitter account or profile, you need to visit Then you have to sign up with your full name and email. When to enter Twitter after email verification

Then all you have to do is give a professional outlook to your Twitter account. So that anyone can understand what is the main focal point? And what kind of information you want to provide will be revealed.

What is Twitter Marketing?

Twitter is one of the most popular social networking platforms today. You may be surprised to know that in the beginning, the number of users was very low. And the number of its users around the world today is around 30 billion.

Twitter marketing is about delivering ads to those who use Twitter. You can promote the video, audio text, etc. on Twitter as an advertisement. You can exchange messages using 140-character words for text.

Twitter marketing is a very popular medium today. Using this you can easily promote the ad to a large number of customers. On Twitter, you will find real profiles. Prominent people i.e. politicians, superstars, and businessmen mainly use Twitter through real profiles. And they basically run their own accounts. You can earn a lot of money through Twitter marketing.

What is a Twitter follower? And how to increase Followers.

Just like on Facebook, anyone gives you a friend request, and if you accept it, he becomes your friend. But in the case of Twitter, you don't have to make an exception here. Anyone who can follow you or you can follow someone is basically a Twitter follower.

To increase followers, first, you need to create a cover photo or header photo on Twitter, whichever is more active will explain your product or service. You can use a smiley face photo for personal matters. And if it is different, use a photo accordingly.

Twitter's name should be used with caution. Because anyone can understand what kind of product you are talking about or what is related to the account.

You need to choose the keyword of the address on Twitter. It takes a little time to choose the keywords. Because millions of people use keywords in the same category. But try to choose a keyword. This keyword should be matched with your product and service.

You can use 140-character words in Twitter biodata. The keyword should be the focus when writing the biodata.

Nobody knows the Twitter account you created. When you follow your target group, they will follow you. And this is how you have to increase your followers on Twitter at the beginning. However, do not increase the Ahamri followers in the first few days. Because it may suspend your account. Gradually increase the followers and at one time there will be many followers.