Now a lot of people are making money online. If you have heard about money income from Google, then you have heard. Money can be earned from google.

You may be wondering how to make money from Google. There are many ways to make money from Google. In a word, you can get a job like Google here.

You may think that I am crazy, but I have a job at Google. Yes, you will be surprised when you know about the work of Google.

How to make money from Google?

As I said above, there are many ways to make money on Google, some of them are easy and some are a little difficult. Now you have to select which job you can do.

Hmmm, you have to do some work here, then you can earn income from google. For those who are wasting their time on Facebook, watching videos, listening to music, or playing games, this is the best way to make an online income.

Also, good work for students if they spend 2 hours a day here they can cover their own tuition costs. Housewives can also earn money from Google by doing this. Let's find out now what Google does for us.

How to Make Money by Blogging

The easiest way to earn good quality money is from Google Blogging If you do not know what blogging is, you can see this post. Blogging is a service of Google where you can earn money from Google by writing.

You can start blogging with any topic. Blogging can be done in any language. If you like, you can also start blogging in Bengali. Anything you type here will be found by any person in the world by searching on Google.

Now if you think about how much money can be earned by blogging, I will say it depends on the writing of your blog. The better and more blog you can write, the more you can earn online income from Google.

Not only from Google, you can earn money by blogging and selling your products and you can also earn money by affiliate marketing from big companies like Amazon, and Flipkart. You can also earn money by blogging from Google Adsense. Follow the steps below to earn money by blogging.

1) Create a blog from

2) Have a nice name for the blog.

3) Select the domain for the blog.

4) Submit the blog site to Google Search Console.

5) Create urgent pages for the blog.

6) Start writing articles on the blog.

7) When visitors start coming to your blog, add your blog with        Google Adsense.

8) When it becomes 100 you can withdraw money through the bank.

How do I make money from YouTube?

YouTube is Google's second-largest video sharing platform where you can find all kinds of videos. If you can make videos, you can earn a lot of money from here.

However, in order to upload videos to YouTube, you need to have a Gmail and a YouTube channel, then you can earn money from YouTube. If you don't know how to create a YouTube channel, you can check out our post.

You can also sell any product like the blog on YouTube by making videos and also when your youtube channel becomes popular it means when you have 1000 subscribers you can monetize your channel and earn money from Google Adsense.

1) Create a channel from

2) Change the channel cover photo.

3) Upload videos to YouTube.

4) Change the video thumbnail.

5) 1000 subscribers on YouTube.

6) When 4 thousand time view.

7) Monetize the channel with Adsense.

8) Withdraw money through the bank after 100.

How do I make money from Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a web application powered by Google. Its job is to show some ads on the website or YouTube for which Google allows us to earn money from AdSense. When we see something on TV, sometimes Ad shows Adsense and so on.

If you want to make money from Adsense you have to have a blog or youtube channel AdSense will show their ads on your blog or youtube video that you will be paid because of someone clicking on that ad.

1) Go to the Google Adsense website.

2) Click sign up from the drop-down menu.

3) Add your blog or youtube channel.

4) When 10, verify the identity.

5) Verify the AdSense code.

6) Withdraw the money when it is 100 dollars.

Read More: 5 easy ways to earn money with mobile at home

How to make money from Google Admob?

If you don't know what AdMob is, you can visit AdMob Wikipedia. But here I will try to explain it to you in Bengali. Admob is a mobile advertising service whose job is to show ads on mobile apps.

Omar Hamoui, the founder of Admob, did not buy Google for 50 750 million in 2009-2010. Admob is now Google's mobile advertisements service. If you have a mobile app that you have created, then you can earn money from Google by showing ads.

We need any YouTube channel or blog to make money from Adsense, we also need apps to make money from here. How many types of apps do we download on mobile such as calculators, calendars, games,s, etc? To be able to.

Now if you are wondering how to create an app, if you do not have an app, then here I am giving you a website app that allows you to create more than 50 apps for free. This is a good apps developer. All kinds of apps can be created from here.

With apps geyser, you can create games, calculators, and even browsers without any hassle. However, the point is that if you do not publish your app in the Play Store, it will not be installed too much and the more people will use your app, the more apps you will be able to earn.

1) First, go to the website.

2) Create an account.

3) Click Add your first application.

4) Enter the name of your app in the search box.

5) If you submit the app to the Play Store, select Yes / No.

6) Now click on add next to your app's icon.

7) Create an ad unit and add it to your app.

8) This way you can make money from AdMob.

How To Make Money From Google AdWords?

Google Adwords is a Google application that lets you display ads or sell products. When you do a Google search for something, you notice something at the very top of the page.

You can sell anything with Google Adword advertising or bring your website to the front page of Google. You'll also find free keyword research with Google Keyword Planner.

You can use Google Adword to create a free account from the Adword site to bring your business to the front page or to sell something.

Although creating an account is free, you'll need to spend some money to show the ad. And if you feel the need, you can contact them by phone.

1) Go to the Google Adword website.

2) Surgery.

3) Research keywords to show ads.

4) Advertise with Adword.

5) This way you can make money from Google by selling products.

How do I make money with Google Pay “Gpay”?

You can make a lot of money through the Google Pay app, which was developed by Google itself as an online payment app. The more you use these apps, the more income you can earn.

Many people may not be familiar with the Google Pay app "Gpay" yet. If you have heard or used the names of PayPal, Paytm, and Bhim apps, then UPI payment service.

To use Gpay you need to link your bank link with your mobile number. There are many offers that you can use to earn money. One of the people I have met has earned 10 thousand rupees from Google using this app.

Using Gpay you can do many things besides mobile recharge, electric bill pay, and UPI payment. In addition, if you transfer a balance of around 150 rupees, you will get a catch card.

They chose Lucky Friday, the best way to earn money from Google Pay app through which you can get 1 lakh rupees.

You can earn 100 Rupees by inviting your friends through Refer from this app without spending any money. If you only make one referral, then google pay can pay you 75 to 200 rupees. How much money you will get if you invite will be written on your home page.

Read More: 6 easy ways to earn money with mobile at home

How To Make Money From Google Opinion Rewards?

The easiest way to make money online from Google is to make money from Google Opinion Rewards. You may not hear the name of this app because very few people use it and it is not popular in all countries.

Google Feedback Rewards will give you some simple surveys like which is your favorite social site? 1. Facebook, 2. Twitter 3. Instagram There are also many difficult questions that you can answer for 3 to 30 rupees.

Google feedback rewards We pay for small things, but I don't know if this money can be collected through the bank or any other means, but with the money earned from these apps you can buy premium apps from the play store.