What is Metaverse? Think of a world where it would work, where a company launched a new model of their car, then launched it online, and as a buyer you could drive the car from anywhere in the world. Or like a dress while shopping online at territory. After ordering a digital interpretation of the dress, you classified the dress.
The question may feel like a sci-fi movie grounded on wisdom fabrication. But to be honest, it is no longer in the imagination. The work of creating similar technology has formally started.
The Internet will be given life in Metaverse. In Zuckerberg's words, it's a 'virtual environment' that you can enter. In fact, Metaverse is an endless world. There will be an interconnected virtual society where people will meet, work, play with acquaintances.
What is Metaverse, how will it work?
What is Metaverse?
In other words, the Internet will be given life in Metaverse. In Zuckerberg's words, it's a 'virtual environment' that you can enter. In fact, Metaverse is an endless world. There will be an interconnected virtual society — where people will meet, work, play with acquaintances.
They will do this through virtual reality (VR) headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps, or other devices. Instead of sitting in front of a computer, you can use a VR headset to visit your favorite websites. Metaverse will also include other areas of online life, such as shopping and social media.
What you can do in Metaverse
Facebook has launched software called Horizon Workrooms for companies. It must be used with Facebook's Oculus VR headset. Although its initial response is not very positive. The Oculus headset costs 300 or more. Which makes Metaverse expensive. As a result, Metaverse will be out of reach of many.
However, those who can afford to buy this headset can travel around the virtual world using avatars made by different companies. However, it remains to be seen how companies will integrate their online platforms.
Will Facebook become a complete metaverse?
Is Metaverse just a Facebook project?
Richard Keris, vice president of Nvidia's Omniverse platform, said:
In this case, video game companies are also showing the way. Epic Games, the maker of the popular video game Fortnite, has raised $ 100 million from investors to build Metaverse on a long-term plan. Game platform Roblox has also been used to build Metaverse.
Different consumer brands are also looking to sign up for this trend. Italian fashion house Gucci launched a joint venture with Roblex last June to sell just-digital products. Coca-Cola and Clinic have sold digital talkies as the first step in the world of the metaverse.
What is Metaverse, how will it work?
Will it be another means of manipulating our information?
People want easy access to the Internet. But at the same time, he wants her not to be tracked and monitored. In hindsight, Facebook seems to want to build a business model that is based on users' personal information. Using this information, Facebook will promote various targeted ads on Metaverse.
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Many suspects that the purpose of Metaverse is to gather information from users. According to VR expert Variety Macintosh, one of the major reasons for Facebook's big investment in VR or AR technology is customer data. A huge amount of information is available from these platforms. This is a gold mine for any data trader. Macintosh also fears that technology companies like Facebook could colonize the virtual world.
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